
Custom Tanning for Tasmania


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YES….we send skins from Tasmania to our tannery on the mainland.  Prices here include all shipping fees to and from our tannery……..please follow the instructions below:

Salting Instructions for Cowhide & Other Skins

As soon as possible (in summer within 1 hr of skinning and winter several hours if not sitting in the sun) use stock/hide salt.  Yolla Co-op sell Olsson’s Kiln Dried Fine Salt that is suitable for smaller animals.  Large cowhides will need 25kg of salt and coarse salt works well. (Large bulls make take a bit more)

1. Place the hide undercover in an area that doesn’t matter if blood drips onto.  Place flat (fur side down) on pallets or a board if needing to put plastic down first to keep area clean.

2. Cut off any fat that is thicker than 1cm before salting.

3. Work your way around the edge of the skin, and carefully peel back any flesh that has stuck to itself to get the salt into all areas.  Place the salt at about 5mm thick.

4. Continue to salt the rest of the skin at roughly 5mm thick all over.

5. Leave to sit for 24hrs.

6. Re-salt any areas that the salt has dissolved on.

7. Leave to sit until the moisture has dried up but before the hide turns hard…..must still be easily foldable.  (This can take a couple of weeks on cowhides)  This step is also important for preservation of the fur.

8. Fold up and place in a solid tub (one that is solid enough to be put on a pallet and not be broken by a hard knock) and bring into our store for shipping to our tanner.  Tub will not be returned.   Ring the doorbell at the garage door at the side (on Cornicks Rd.) if dropping off hides.


Additional information


Cowhide (Long Hair Breeds), Cowhide (Most breeds), Fallow Deer, Other Small Animals


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